USB OTG Checker

by Mypro



USB OTG Checker is an otg compatibility checker that can quickly and effectively fully check and verify your Android device system without Root access and then the app tells you if your Android device is USB OTG compatible or not.if USB OTG Checker app shows that your device can support OTG, then it means that you can use it to connect to standard USB input device such as keyboard, external storage, Mouse , endoscope , camera and other OTG supported devicesUSB OTG Checker also provides you with a wealth of other device information, such as model, brand, hardware specs, Android version, screen resolution, battery level, and network type. Key Features:- Quick usb on-the-go compatibility check- Detailed device information- Easy to use Benefits:- Stay informed about your devices capabilities with detailed device information Please be aware that USB OTG Checker app verifies the availability of the "FEATURE_USB_HOST" in your device and cross-references its database for the device name. However, its essential to note that due to these methods, the app may provide occasional inaccuracies. Its advised to use the information as a general guide, and compatibility may vary based on device models and configurations.